Cara pangopènan motor tyresâ ‘

- 2021-06-17-

Akeh wong sing asring mung nggatekake pangopènan komponen mekanik motor, nanging ora nggatekake pangopènanban motor. They often encounter punctured and blown tires while driving, and they frequently change new tires due to premature wear. Most of the above phenomena are caused by not paying attention to the maintenance of tires. These abnormal phenomena not only cause a lot of trouble and harm to the cyclists, but also bring unnecessary economic losses. Today, I summarized some practical experience and experience in maintaining ban motor for everyone to learn from.
Whether the air pressure is normal or not has a direct impact on the life of the ban motor. If the ban motortekanan dhuwur banget, gampang mbentuk ora normal ing tengahban motor, and it is easy to cause the tire to burst when driving at high speed in the hot summer. Excessive air pressure not only aggravates the turbulence of the vehicle and affects its comfort, but also damages other parts due to the violent turbulence. If the tire pressure is too low, it is easy to cause a large area of tire wear. Not only will the tire deform severely during driving, it will also cause the carcass to heat up, promote rubber aging, and cause cord delamination and breakage. In addition, too low air pressure will increase the rolling resistance of the wheels, resulting in a reduction in the maximum speed of the vehicle and a corresponding increase in fuel consumption. Therefore, it is very necessary to check whether the ban motor pressure meets the standards specified in the vehicle manual at regular intervals. Generally, the air pressure of the front wheels is 200kPa, and the air pressure of the rear wheels is about 250kPa, which also varies from vehicle to vehicle. People with many years of driving experience can roughly judge the tire pressure by hand, but it is best to measure it with the help of a ban motor pressure gauge.

Priksa nyandhang sakaban motorpola kanthi interval biasa. Apamaneh nalika nyiapake lelungan jarak adoh, pengawasan iki perlu banget kanggo keamanan nyopir. Yen ambane pola ditemokake kurang saka 1,6mm, ban kudu diganti pas wektune. Yen ora, ban ban iki angel nolak obyek sing landhep lan angel ing dalan nalika nyopir kanthi kacepetan medium lan dhuwur, lan gampang banget nyebabakeban motor to burst and bring danger to driving safety. It is also important to always check whether there are hard objects such as stones and glass embedded in the gaps of the tire tread pattern. Because these inserts not only affect the adhesion of the tire, but also a hidden danger of puncturing the ban motor. If found, use a small screwdriver to pick it out at any time.