Cara milih ban sing apik kanggo motormuâ ‘
- 2021-06-22-
Ban motor duwe macem-macem bentuk, pola, lsp. Luwih becik milih ban sing cocog karo sampeyan.
1 Wujude sakaban motor. Yes, although they all look the same, the tires actually come in different shapes. The two most basic ban motor shapes are a sharp triangle in the middle and an arc with a very smooth overall shape.
Segitiga ban motorluwih sensitif tinimbang sing mlengkung, dadi luwih gampang muter motor lan muter motor kiwa lan nengen, lan malah menehi kreta yen kecepatan mlebu pojokan dadi luwih cepet; sekaligus, nalika mlengkung, ban Bentuk iki duwe area kontak sing gedhe karo lemah lan genggeman sing apik; kekurangane yaiku ora stabil nalika mlaku kanthi garis lurus, lan amarga ban jinis iki arang banget, sawetara penunggang duwe pengalaman nggunakake, lan rasane nalika nggunakake. Bakal aneh.
Mlengkungban motorora sensitif, nanging stabilitas akselerasi lurus bakal luwih apik. Sanalika, ban jinis iki nduweni kemampuan pojok sing apik, proses kemudi awak lan tekanan sisih luwih stabil, lan luwih gampang nahan garis kasebut ing pojok. Umume ban ana ing bentuk iki.
Ambane ban uga minangka aspek sing kudu dipikirake. Umume, ban saya jembar, luwih akeh genggemane, nanging ora prigel lan angel dikendhaleni; ban sing luwih sempit bakal tumindak suwalike.
2 Bahan kasebut bisa dipérang dadi Soft Compound lan Hard Compound
Kauntungan saka bahan alus yaiku tahan suhu sing ekstrem banget. Sawise tekan suhu kerja sing paling apik, genggeman lan viskositas pancen kuwat; kekurangane yaiku wektu kanggo nggayuh suhu kerja sing paling apik alon, bahane alus banget lan ora tahan nyandhang, lan amarga viskositas sing dhuwur, gampang nyedhot wedhi lan watu cilik, sing bakal mengaruhi genggeman.
Kauntungan saka bahan keras yaiku mbutuhake suhu kerja sing sithik, resistensi nyandhang, lan ora gampang nyedhot lebu dalan; kekurangane yaiku amarga ora gampang lengket lan ora duwe bahan empuk super.
3 Ban sing teles panas lan ban separa panas.
Meh kabeh ban panas nyawiji nggunakake bahan alus.
Ban sing duwe kemampuan trek paling akeh lan bisa nggawe puteran paling cepet mesthine kabeh larut panas. Ban kabeh-panas-teles duwe kelet paling kuat lan genggeman paling apik sawise tekan suhu ban paling apik. Pirelli Diabllo Super Corsa, minangka ban siji-sijine panas ing tim uji coba Sepeda Motor USA, tampil paling apik ing trek lan entuk wektu puteran paling cepet.
But it is not the best tire to work on the track, it is also the best in the environment of street and mountain riding. Fully hot-melt tires have a high limit temperature and a high melting point, so it will take a relatively long time to reach the optimal working temperature. It requires high-intensity riding by the rider or the use of a professional tire warmer to achieve the best The working temperature of the tire; and before the optimal tire temperature is reached, the grip of the all-hot-melt tire is very poor; at the same time, due to material problems, the all-hot-melt tire will be very sticky after melting. If the ground is not clean and flat, A lot of sand or even small stones will stick to the tire, which will affect the grip of the ban motor.
Ban leleh semi-panas nggunakake bahan keras ing tengah ban lan bahan alus ing loro-lorone.
Ingban motorsing paling asring dihubungi yaiku leleh semi panas, lan saiki umume ban standar olahraga olahraga / olahraga olahraga pesiar uga leleh semi panas.
Amarga bahan alus digunakake ing loro-lorone, kemampuan pojok ban semi-panas nyawiji uga apik banget; sekaligus, amarga bagean tengah ban semi-panas-cair nggunakake bahan sing keras, ban dadi luwih tahan nyandhang (yaiku umur servis ban panas-cair). 1,5 kali nganti 2 kali ban), ora krasa lengket, lan luwih gampang adaptasi karo kahanan dalan sing najis kayata dalan / gunung; pungkasane, amarga kombinasi bahan sing alus lan alus, ban semi-panas-meleleh mbutuhake suhu kerja, ora nganti lebur lengkap, lan kenaikan suhu relatif cepet.
Ingdownside is that compared to the full-melt tires, the overall grip of the semi-melt tires is not so strong. Under normal circumstances, on the streets/mountain roads, it is impossible for us to achieve the full potential of the full-melt tires. There is no need for such exaggerated grip, at least for safe, law-abiding riding styles. Coupled with a series of benefits brought by hard materials, as long as it is not completely used to run the track, the crocodile will recommend you to buy semi-hot-melt tires. Fully hot-melt tires are not only expensive, wear quickly, and unnecessary, but can also be quite dangerous when the road environment and tire temperature are not perfect.